Do you think Victorian taxpayers should pay half the bill for Tiger Woods to come to Australia?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you think Victorian taxpayers should pay half the bill for Tiger Woods to come to Australia?
222 answers:
2009-03-19 01:05:58 UTC
I think the answer is "it depends". Some have suggested the money should be used to start a business or businesses. Given that US$3 million to start a business is a rather small amount, not many jobs will be generated and there's no guarantee that the business or businesses will still be there 1, 2 or 3 years down the road. Paying Tiger Woods to attend a tournament he might otherwise pass on (there are so many that want him to attend), if handled properly, could increase economic impact considerably. 1) Having Woods play means more international and U.S. press coverage. 2) More coverage means more international exposure for Melbourne and Victoria (I would suggest spending some extra money in those other markets running TV ads promoting Melbourne & Victoria - even the one with the big ball of string). 3) More exposure could mean more tourists and more importantly more professional players may decide to attend the tournament. 4) It's a circle, more coverage, more promotion, more tourist jobs. I have a cousin in the US who follows the Grand Slam, so he's been to Melbourne for Tennis. A lot of people may come just to see Tiger play. There would be direct and indirect economic impact.

Risks? Plenty, but likelihood of impact - enormous. For example, now except for its entertainment value and link to tourism there's no real comparison here, but New Orleanians thought the price tag for building the Louisiana Superdome (US$163 million) was too much, but the overall economic impact to the city from the day the doors opened (1975) over US$1 billion dollars in direct and indirect revenues. The Superdome got the city more promotion, more Super bowls, more tourism, more professional teams, more tourists. Alas New Orleans tourist industry and the city in general was seriously damaged after Hurricane Katrina, but nonetheless the entertainment value and tourist impact was rendered. So, "it depends".
2009-03-18 23:04:22 UTC
No way, i do not think that is fair. There are so many more important issue the victorian government desperatly needs to see to before they even think about giving over 2 million dollars so a rich golf player can come out, play a game of golf, and then fly back to his mansion.

Victoria just experienced the worst bushfire in australian history! That money should go straight to the bushfire appeal. Or it should at least go towards building new roads, giving more charity or somewhere like the education or child care system.

While Victoria would get more turisim and publicity, it most likely will not equal out to the amount they spent on bringing Tiger Woods out here.
2009-03-19 07:57:57 UTC
If it is an economic argument the answer to the benefit question is probably not.

Victorians have a cargo cult mentality towards events but when serious analysis is done as has been done for the GP event the returns are very marginal or negative.

Unfortunately to be a Victorian is to live with a chip on the shoulder and at any opportunity spew bile at Sydney where people have no interest in shabby events.

Why do Vic taxpayers constantly cough up the dough ? Who know ? If it is such a good economic argument why is the state not booming ?
2009-03-18 19:45:51 UTC!!

1. Why do these twits get paid an 'appearance fee' to play in a tournament that has a million dollar prize. All they do is tap a ball in with a stick every now and then...fark

2. They say it will generate $19M in revenue for the State? Hello, we are in a recession..have they factored that in? Im guessing the ppl who can afford to play golf and pay for tournament tickets are the CEO's of this land who sack 200 employees while giving themselves a million dollar bonus so they can afford to go watch Tiger the Twit Woods.

3. Here's an idea, forget how much profit the governement is supposed to make from this, how about investing in long term job generating projects?

4. Shot me down, but Golf is not a sport and will not do much for our country.

5. I wonder if Twit Woods is so great, then will he donate half the apprearance fee back to Victorians via the Red Cross - as a friendly donation to Bushfire Victims? Pfffffft, im not counting on it.
2009-03-19 04:05:33 UTC
Simple answer is no. The victims of the Vic bush fires would be appalled to see one man getting paid enough money to build several new houses just to play golf while they are still suffering such a great loss and are still in need of a helping hand. If the Vic gov goes ahead with paying for Tiger Woods they are being totally irresponsible and incapable of properly distributing taxpayers money. It's golf for God's sake, do they think anyone will really benefit from this in the long run?
2009-03-18 22:41:07 UTC
Personally i dont think its fair at all i think his appearance fee is way over the top even though i am an avid Tiger supporter the same goes for all the top golfers i dont think they should be paid an appearance fee after all they are worth billions in the first place

the only positive thing out of Tiger appearing will be the increase in crowd sizes meaning more money at the gates for promoters of the Masters and more spectators travelling to Melbourne to watch him play

I also think that the appearance fees for all golfers should only be paid in full if they reach the final round if they bomb out in the first round then they should only get paid a 1/4 of the fee an so forth

All the sponsors of the event and the golfing association should pay the fees if they want these players to play in their events
2009-03-18 21:51:55 UTC
No, I don't think that Victorians should be paying half the bill for Tiger Woods to come to Australia. Already we are in a time of recession and increasing the taxes or diverting the money to sporting is not such a good idea. Should be used for health, education or something like that. Perhaps the golfing association, or whatever it's called, can pay for him to come here.
2009-03-18 18:46:38 UTC
While victoria may benefit from 19 million, that can in no way justify paying someone 3 million dollars for doing something that they love to do and would do for free if that was their only option. Its like paying a sex addict to have sex or a chocoholic to eat chocolate, its just plain stupid. 3 million for some guy to hit a little white ball into a hole with a stick? The world has gone mad.

Until we stop paying these bludgers these obscene amounts they will continue to bleed us dry. The 19 million will be raised with or without woods. If I had been practising obsessivly since I was 3 years old I would be pretty good at what I do, woods is nothing special.

Sport used to be about the enjoyment of the game, now its just an avenue for parasites and bludgers to milk us for every last drop they can get out of us so they can have an easy life while everyone else does all their work.
Mr inquisitive
2009-03-21 04:27:33 UTC
I am genuinely gob smacked by the reactions to this question, an overwhelming NO!! I don't want to sound contradictory when i ask does it have to be about money? Should it not be that we are witnessing someone who, by the end of his career will most likely go down in history as the greatest golfer who ever walked the planet. Now to the non golfer i can understand the controversy, i suppose its hard to fathom the importance of Tiger woods to the game of golf, but to the players out there, from weekend hacker to golfing professionals he plays a very important role in various areas such as, inspiring young kids to pick up a club, transforming how we play the game and raising the profile of a sport many figure to be the hardest to master. Again i do understand the general consensus is a resounding NO, but i ask people to maybe think of it like if they had a deep passion for something. maybe for example ( and i know everyone has different tastes) Science for instance... A world renowned scientist was to grace our shores at the tax payers expense bringing us his new findings or research that would mean nothing except to the science community. Well that's how golf tragics, myself included, see this, as an opportunity to witness firsthand the experience of seeing the games greatest at work.
2009-03-19 02:43:06 UTC
Why do we pay millions to sportsmen, who are already making millions, to play a game? If corporate Australia want a draw card for their game then let them pay. After all they'll be the ones making the money out of media rights, souvenirs, etc.

If he doesn't come; will the Masters not take place? will Victorians not sleep at night? will there be protests in the street?

Frankly if I was a Victorian I'd be really angry that my hard earned tax dollars was being spent on an American when there are plenty of Australians in need.

If it does generate 19 million who will benefit? I bet it won't be the average tax payer!
2009-03-18 17:28:29 UTC
short and simple.....

no, no, NO .....
2009-03-19 03:25:24 UTC
NO I dont think victorian taxpayers should pay half of the bill for Tiger Woods. It should be paid by the sponsors that want him here. If people want to see him play they have to pay to get into the course I'll bet. Tell the government that we dont want Tiger Woods to come to Australia on those terms. In any case, he is worth millions, why he cant pay his own way. We have paid for enough, including the bush fires with donations at every turn, including spending at supermarkets that have put up their prices so that they can donate. They are crazy to think that they put there own money. WE paid for it and we are still paying as the supermarkets have not dropped their prices. THEY ARE DISGUSTING.
2009-03-18 20:19:02 UTC
I don't live in victoria, But i don't think taxpayers for victorian shouldn't have to pay for tiger woods, I think its just stupid and unfair, That amount can go to something better, Like for public hospital or transport or whatever is really important that needs the money, Not for paying a sport fan to play, why can't the government pay the rest of it? why should they have to use taxpayers money! They probably to have the money but don't want to give the rest cause they are to greedy! or they running out of money! I think its totally unfair, if they can't afford to pay the other half they shouldn't even bother.

Its no wonder that australia loosing money and people going out of jobs, Since government are using the money for things that aren't that important Could use it for saving jobs, government and tiger wood are just greedy people
2009-03-19 14:19:30 UTC
When this comes so soon after the tragedy of the bushfires, this is indeed very wrong.

Tiger Woods is a multi millionaire and I think he should have come here to play at least at a very reasonable fee but $A4.53 million is a disgrace.

It certainly wouldn't have done him any harm to donate some of that fee to the victims of the bushfires. Why should we as tax payers have to pay for something like this when we don't even have a say in it.
2009-03-19 05:09:05 UTC
How on earth does this benefit Victorians, why doesn't Tiger Woods pay the out of work Victorians for watching him or perhaps the ones in hospital waiting rooms
james h
2009-03-19 03:47:45 UTC
I play golf but I dont believe he should be paid that amount if he cant come to Australia on his own violition dont bother.

He may even not make the cut and that will be an even more embarrassing problem,playing each round for $2.265 million a round thats not a bad little earner .

Especially when you consider the winner won't get anywhere near that for winning.

If they stipulated that he had to make

1)The cut

2)make the last 15

3)Donate some of this ill found wealth to the Bush fire appeal

Then I may look at it in a different light but at the moment stay in USA

We dont really need you here there is plenty of talent around and about Australia.
2009-03-18 23:54:04 UTC
So it's $2.26 million of taxpayers money. So far all the arguments have been "he has enough money" and "no one cares about golf here anyway". But look at it this way. We are in a recession and the government is handing out money to pretty much anyone who asks for it so as to boost spending and hence boost the economy. Now, with all those billions being handed out, we're stressing over $2.26 million? Think what it will do for us. Tiger Woods coming here will boost spending within Melbourne along with tourism and other such vital parts to this city's economy. I understand that because it is taxpayers money people will get a bit fired up about it as they believe it should go to schools or emergency services or other such organisations but with the economy in the turmoil it is currently in what this city needs more is people spending money.
2009-03-18 18:31:10 UTC
Only if Victorians are going to benefit from Tiger Woods appearing. Otherwise I believe it is just a waste of money. I can't understand why these over paid sports people who are worth millions are paid millions just to appear at a game they are suppose to love. They don't even have to do nothing but look good for the cameras.
2009-03-19 06:50:31 UTC
NO!!! When it comes to sport I think there is too much money spent by tax payers & the Government. I believe that if these people are earning such huge amounts of money, they should be able to cover their own expenses plus they should be willing to show themselves to the public for free. With what the Victoria (with bush fires, etc.), Australia & the rest of the world are suffering finacially, these people earn so much money through sponsors, etc. They should be willing to sacrifice a few dollars (especially when the american dollar is better than the aussie dollar) to look after themselves when they go overseas.

Please..... wake up & realise that the world doesn't need to pay for a person to be viewed because they are a famous sportsperson! If he or anyone else requires payment to "look at them", they to me aren't worth looking at & they may as well stay away from here.

Gee, do you think, say, if I (being an average person) said or did something that may make the headlines, I'd want to get paid?? yes maybe, but if I had even a small percentage of what they earn, I wouldn't charge people to see me.... Or is that just our Aussie way of thinking?
2009-03-19 05:17:47 UTC
I think Tiger Airways should pay for Tiger Woods!

Those who want to support Tiger can then ride the Tiger and repay the sponsorship.

Personally I think the government is ridiculously out of touch - but times did change quickly - and I guess quick responses are not a strength of any government.

Besides -- Golf!!

So boring!
Shara H
2009-03-19 03:00:07 UTC
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!! He has probably got more money than most victorians. Anyway haven't Victorians got enough to worry about after those devastating fires? It's not going to take over night to fix things. Why doesn't Tiger woods and others like him be charitable instead and make a impressive donation out of the kindness of his heart instead of wanting money from these poor people. It won't benefit these people as they don't have the 'spare' cash laying around......
Morning Glory
2009-03-19 15:13:37 UTC
I do not agree with the payment BUT Tiger Woods is not the only big name in any sport especially golf to request an appearance fee. Greg Norman and all famous personalities are doing the same. So, do not single him out for any negativity in our current global economic crisis. Besides I believe Tiger will help promote Victoria while here by his presence because lots of his fans will come to our state just to see him So, there!
2009-03-21 20:06:47 UTC
Why should working people be forced to subsidize those who enjoy watching golf? Those who want Tiger Woods to appear should pony up the money themselves or organize fundraising events to raise money to pay for it. Don't stick other people with the bill for your hobby -- that's being cheap and anti-social.

For those who want a more philosophical explanation, it's a violation of the basic human right to live your life as you choose so long as it does not involve violating the rights of others. You can't do that when people are stealing the money you've earned, whether it's for golf or anything else.
Demo Demo
2009-03-19 05:37:35 UTC
The golf clubs make enough money to pay the exorbitant appearance fee demanded by Tiger. What benefit Tigers appearance will bring to Victorians I can not fathom.
2009-03-18 22:42:43 UTC
NO WAY!!!!! Why is it when it comes to sport the Victorian Government can find a limitless supply of money?

Need a new sports stadium?

Sure no problem. Schools, public transport, hospitals... Er sorry we don't have the funds for those things.

Tiger Woods doesn't want to come here unless he gets paid some exorbitant fee. If that is the case we don't want him. Stop wasting our taxes Mr Brumby on useless sporting tournaments so you can get an ego boost. Spend it on essential services where it is most needed.
hippy stray
2009-03-18 20:24:41 UTC
though i dont agree with it maybe the attraction of tiger woods might make more people come to Melbourne and go to golf and go to promo events and soforth which could possibly increase revenue to some degree, taking into account flights from interstate, accomodation bigger crowds , tourists spending up when in melbourne eating out all that. Tiger is a god to golfers and alot of golfers are old and rich and some are little and furry with big teeth.

Maybe with an expected increase of people if tiger is in town you might make back the 2.26 million through other things.

Me personally f ck tiger, lets get the cheater/americaaaaan/aussie greg norman hahahaha
Nadine S
2009-03-18 20:04:06 UTC
Minority sports such as golf do little for the economy and spin off businesses. Australians need to get a grip and demand this money be made available for health and education funding. We are heading for a major decline in living standards if the continued waste of valuable taxpayers money is not arrested. Let the sponsors fund Tiger's appearance!
Jedi Jan
2009-03-19 07:02:39 UTC
Is he another millionaire going bankrupt, or another millionaire being greedy. I understand the ideals of sponsorship and promotion, but value for money is questionable. Hardly fair I think - Makes you wonder who is keeping an eye on the books. I would consider spending that money on public housing would be better for some homeless Victorians, and helping the economy at the same time; jobs for building trades, materials, etc. $4.53M would also purchase a good few trees to replenish those lost in the bushfires.
2009-03-19 00:39:53 UTC
This shows how society has placed values on all the wrong things. Why pay millions to someone who doesn't need it to play sport. Surely there are far more important issues to tackle such as health and helping bushfire victims and helping those that are being sacked due to the economic disaster. It flys in the face of the federal government who are trying to stop big payouts to execs yet here is the state government essentially doing just that. Yeah it may help the tourist industry, but enough to recoup cost??? doubtful
2009-03-18 23:23:12 UTC
Yep, if you want him you have to pay for his services. They've got it good only paying 50%. The ammount is clearly set so that hes not going to every tournament that tom, dick and harry organise. Who knows he may want to come back again. Golf in this country needs a big shot in the arm and who better to do so. If it encourages more people to take up the sport or better still more young aussies to become better golfers then why not.

But a very nice gesture from Tiger would be to donate his appearance fees to the BushFire appeal.
rachel b
2009-03-18 18:39:52 UTC
No I don't think that is fair,and if Tiger Woods wants to come to Australia, he should be paying Victorians taxpayers. I see no benefit. (Only if you are into Golf) We are meant to be in a recession. Don't you think we need our money more than Tiger Woods does.
2009-03-18 18:49:27 UTC
My answer will be short. No. I am not agree with the idea of the taxpayer to pay half to the appearance of Tiger Woods. I do not want to pay money that, i do not have, the money that, i have to use to put food on the table, pay my bills.

The government always getting our money back into their pockets.

Let the government to pay for this appearence but only with their own money,because it's them who is going to watch him play and telling us Australians that: first-this is their overtime, second-they doing it for Australians and third-they working very hard to help unemployed Australians.

Like a lot of events this one does not help victorians in any way comparing the population in victoria to the amount of people who watches the event.

Why i have to pay for someone who have 1000 times more money than i have ....he is not unemployed ? ? ? ?
srinivas p
2009-03-19 21:15:56 UTC
Yes, Victorians need to pay Tiger Woods for his appearance. He is an American legend and Australia worships anyone from America or England. If you read (in almost any of the magazines) about what brand toilet papers the American and English celebs use, who they date with and so on why not pay for their appearance?
Tony D
2009-03-19 03:42:55 UTC
Absolutely. Think about this. Every time he plays a tournament more people watch him play ( because he is arguably the best golfing athlete in human history) than the entire population of Australia. In Australia we are blessed with some of the most affordable golf in the World. Don't you think this can inspire people all over the world to come to Australia to experience our "lucky country" and golf and our world class courses. What is this amount to be paid to him as a percentage of all taxes collected? 1%of 1% of 1%. Surely some amount of tax payers money should be used in a somewhat creative fashion. Yes, he is worth it. To the whingers - get perspective ( and get a life). Keep smiling
michael F
2009-03-19 01:11:39 UTC
What ever happened to user pays ? i believe that if the golfing fraternity want to see Tiger Woods play then it should be they that foot the bill. How on earth will this benefit mainstream Australia, some folk are lucky to have food to eat in times like these, why not spend this money on more worthwhile causes
2009-03-19 00:45:16 UTC
No chance. Tiger "Loads-of-money" Woods should donate any fees to the Bush-fire disaster... and save even more money by playing Wii-golf over a video link... it's far more entertaining.

If anybody actually wants to see him, he could play in front of a green screen in a studio in the US, and then be computer-composited into video of the golf course. Nobody would know... the alleged tourism increase would still happen (only those at the course would know he wasn't actually there), and money would still roll in.
2009-03-18 20:24:01 UTC
No. I think it's totally unfair. It won't bring any benefits to most of us. It's just more rampant American capitalistic greed (which they have exported all over the world, and the reason we're in the parlous state we're in) He will get a prize if he wins just like any of the others if they win. I can see no reason why he can't pay his own fare and accommodation costs. God knows he's got enough money! Even if it makes money for Victoria, so what? It doesn't mean we should pay him extra, nor should anyone else come to that. It's obscene the amounts they get when you think of the people who are struggling to pay their bills. Perhaps the government should give some of this money to support the Arts in Australia.
Toni R
2009-03-18 18:17:54 UTC
Absolutely not. No Australian tax payer should pay for any sporting identity to visit us. We have enough great sportspeople in our country already, if others wish to visit they can but we don't need them.

We need to look after ourselves as a country before we look after someone who earns more in 1 year than most Aussies do in a lifetime.

Unfortunately this will never change and because of that we'll always be a country who bends to the will of others because we want the rest of the world to see how good we are. I think we can safely say, the rest of the world already things we're a great country, now we just look like try hards when we really don't have to.
Rachel B
2009-03-19 14:51:27 UTC
No I don't think the Victorian Goverment should pay for Tiger woods to play golf here it should go to bush fire victims that sort of money would do a lot of good for them.
2009-03-19 14:34:01 UTC
Victorians shouldn't have to pay half ,Tiger is wealthy enough and if he wins ( which is a big possibility ) I'm sure the prize money will be fine.He wont go home wondering were his next meal is coming from.
2009-03-19 00:29:06 UTC
Stupid victorians, the amount of money you would make if Tiger Woods was in you state for a week would be huge, tourism, media and TV rights. Even if the government paid the full amount it would still be a bargain, only an idiot would think it a waste of money.
2009-03-18 22:42:35 UTC
It is not fair and no it is of no benefit to taxpayers $4.53 million just so a man can come and hit a few balls in the air then bugger off again is not worth it, not even if they were aussie. instead of paying the man that much how about you put that $4.53 mill to the sick children,the homeless, the needy,poor familys, parks ,water,health,the environment, hell i can go on and on with what $4.53 mill, u can do with it to help the taxpayers and the rest. Tiger woods is not worth the money but the helpless the poor and the environment is. Thanks
2009-03-18 19:12:14 UTC
Golf as a sport deserves no government subsidy at all. It is a favoiurite of the corporate elite and typically of them hogs a disproportionate amount of expensive landspace, forces up houseprices, and pollutes waterways and land with excessive use of fertilizers herbicides and pesticides. Instead of paying half tihger woods fee, the victorian government should take 3/4 of it if he should front up.
2009-03-19 04:05:17 UTC
Considering the recent events with the bushfires in Victoria - and that the rest of the country have donated millions to help them get back on their feet, how on earth can you justify taking money back off the Victorians to pay for a friggin' golfer!! That is disgusting, and down right ignorant!
2009-03-18 18:58:15 UTC
If the organizer's of the golf want tiger woods out here they should pay why should us tax payers get slugged the government is run by us we put them there to look after the Aussie people not try and rip us off
2009-03-19 14:36:18 UTC
No - they shouldnt pay - Tigers presence will inject a much needed economic windfall for Melbourne during his visit - I being one of his fans will most certainly come to see - though if Tiger is Tiger we could all hope and think that money is not his motive and a Trophy to his mantle in history is foremost , so yes Tiger donate your fee to the Bushfire Appeal or as we may not know he may and most probably contribute it back to his Foundation or Charities he is assocciated with.
2009-03-19 12:33:09 UTC
No we shouldn't have to pay half. Agreed the revenue it will generate will be good for victoria but I think if the government has that much money to play with then it should donate it to the bushfire fund and help those people get back on there feet. Tiger has sponsers let them pay for it.
Ava's ma
2009-03-19 05:05:06 UTC
Oh my god. Pay for some hospital beds, give it to disadvantaged schools, give carers and seniors a bonus. If Tiger Woods lets this happen, he is no better himself. Absolute greed, with no advantage to Victorians. The only ones who would get to go near him are the ones who could afford that crazy cost anyway. Disgusting.
2009-03-19 04:41:41 UTC
What happens if he doesn't make the cut after the first two days, does the government only have to pay him 50% of the fee.

Rather than spend $4.5m on appearance money for this gentleman, perhaps the government could boost the prize money on several different tournaments and spread the money around instead of giving it to one player.

Better still it could be spent on a public facility to benefit everyone.
2009-03-18 18:47:50 UTC
I do not agree with the fact that we the taxpayers should pay for Tiger Woods to play here. I think he has more money now than he could ever spend and the money that was to pay for him to come here would be much better spent in our hospitals. Traders might gain from extra people if he was to come but would they?.
David H
2009-03-19 15:21:05 UTC
NO! this is supposed to be a free enterprise system.

If you want to spend 4.5 million why not borrow another 4 million and build 9 million dollars worth of cheap housing at 5% and give them to lower income familes to pay back with a 50% eqiuty to pay back. . This would give employment to the building sector...banks more profitability and 40-50 families an affordable home
2009-03-19 10:30:23 UTC
This money could be going to a more worthy cause then for some golfer to play.

There are people living on the streets, sick and injured, the elderly , victims of the bushfire.

Yes this would bring revenue to victoria but nowhere near the amount that they will be paying for a single player.
2009-03-19 19:38:09 UTC
and this is why the government is taking australians to a poor place...

hard working australians who pay tax for this and tax for that and road tax and everything else..

what about the people who dont even like golf????

tiger woods is a multi million dollar person and should come if he wants to............ BUT why cant he do it for the love of his supposed sport???

we need to do something about this DUMB government who have even suggested it in the first place......

what about the guys that earn $250,000 a year maybe they can use there tax.

but the public should have a say in what the money is spent on and im thinking 85% of the public would say.........


this golf tour ?? is it a prize money thing???

If so..... then when he wins (as normal), thats more AUSTRALIAN money leaving our country, hmmmmmmmm I thought we needed it..


to the government................YOU REALLY STINK

Master T
2009-03-19 13:24:09 UTC
No Way should any Australian State be paying for him to come over here and play.

3 Million dollars just for appearance plus expenses of who knows how much for how many.

Money can be used in better places like the bush fire effected areas of Victoria, this if allowed to go ahead is a kick in the teeth for those that have lost everything in the bush fires.
dustin p
2009-03-19 04:41:08 UTC
I think its disgracefull !! a young buck that has only a talent for hitting a ball in to a hole in the ground can command such an immoral amount of money !! why cant we invite people here who save lives ??? and who are working on life saving medicines ???...... these are the REAL people we need to invite here , if people want to see tiger woods ( and I have nothing against this person ) why dont they pay for the priveledge them selves ??? is this the best we can do with taxpayers money ????.......... what about all the people waiting for hospital beds ???......... destitute farmers ???......... drought ridden communities ???.........get real you bunch of imposters !
2009-03-19 01:17:40 UTC
NO! Why should Victorians or any other state pay for Tiger Woods to come too Australia, will he pay their taxes?? He is a millionaire, if he won't come here off his own back then to bad.
2009-03-19 00:44:26 UTC
Yes ,

Its only a few million and the guy is a legend of the sporting world , The government will get its money back and more .

You vic taxpayers seem to have forgoten the money you have wasted on the F 1 cars which have run at a loss every year .

Go the tiger ,

I still hope Geoff Ogilvy flogs him though
2009-03-18 23:56:16 UTC
To spend all that money on a golfer to play golf in Melbourne is reprehensible when you think what that money would do to help victims of the bushfires or the thousands of homeless people on the streets, 80% of whom suffer with a mental illness and have no home or bed in the understaffed, inadaquate psychiatric wards.Has this ludicrous situation come about because John Cain is a golf enthusiast?
I Believe in the Blue and Gold
2009-03-18 23:39:45 UTC
Being that there have been 116+ responses to this I am guessing you have stopped reading by now! But I think the governments point is that they feel that he will generate income for Victoria as many people will want to catch a glimpse of the great man! Which means that they will be spending money. whether they wil l recoup the millions being spent I guess remains to be seen.

(And to the very first person, many golfers get paid appearance fees to try to attract more top players to the event. it is not uncommon)
2009-03-18 23:07:35 UTC
no way victorian taxpayers should pay for mr woods appearance fee of US $4.53 million this money can go to better use example, the homeless, hospital system ETC

its abit like mr Rudd's stimulus benefits ( handing out benefits to the dead and crims?) Its not on !
Womber One
2009-03-19 04:37:18 UTC
He deserves a fee, I wouldn't go as High as half? BUT how much will Tiger reintroduce to the club etc, for example how many people will pay just to watch him go around the green? We pay more than that to have the Queen out here and I sure would pay to go and see Tiger before going to see Her Majesty. Cheers.
2009-03-19 00:12:38 UTC
Absolutely no way! I can't believe this. I thought Qld was the place where dumb decisions of this nature are usually made but this one takes the cake. This will give no benefit to Victorians. What a joke. They would be better off putting the $4.5 million into schools or hospitals instead of wasting it on some rich elitist American sportsman. What a disgrace.
Siava S
2009-03-18 17:55:43 UTC
The Victorian Premier stated that Tiger Woods visit will earn Victoria $19Million in state benefits..and it is good exposure for Australia to get high-profile people here..and this will encourage future major events to be held here in Australia...therefore more money!!
2009-03-18 16:26:04 UTC
Why can't the Victorian Gov pay 4 Tiger Woods or better still why can't he pay his own way like everyone else,he's only a person,he has the dollars.It's always the stinking gov making us pay 4 what they want wen the gov has the money..There'll be no benefits for the Victorian people only for Tiger Woods..Col
2009-03-18 15:56:53 UTC
This is another example of greed in the american culture, Mr. Obama is now trying to change. With respect to Tiger, the large amount is probably set by his manager who may not be aware that Victoria has just suffered its worst bushfire disaster in its history. I'm also of asian origin and a proud australian in our show of generosity and compassion for the sufferings of others. It will be against australian cultural values to pay the sum. A counterpart (greedy) sponsor may pay it but not the Victorian taxpayers. Tiger has earned enough, he'll be right to stay where he is. Whoever official in Victoria suggests it, should learn from Mr Obama - Yes, he can (or boot him out of office).
noreen b
2009-03-19 14:29:21 UTC
NO, they promise his appearance will make Millions, but they said the same for Sydney Olympics and the millions promised in tourism didnt happen. Again I would say NO as he is playing golf as a Job, so why should he be payed so much money just to appear, its a insult to all the people who have recently lost their Jobs due to the Global Economic downturn (Recession), Vic Gov spend the money on job creation it would have better long term results than giving it to a man who just plays a game...a boring one at that.
heath d
2009-03-18 23:08:36 UTC
absolutely not!!!!! if he is good enough he will win, there is his payment plain and simply, appearance fees are a joke, sorry but this is an individual sport with already over the top prize money, they do nothing for the community but hit a piece of plastic with a stick, give nurses and teachers a pay rise before paying a golfer to come and play!!
2009-03-18 20:05:41 UTC
I personnel think Tiger Woods should do it as a good will gesture and appear here and do it to help raise extra money needed for the fire (Victoria) and flood (Queensland) appeals to help those that really need it. Not for his own pocket.

Taxpayers are hard off enough without having to fork out for somebody else's expense especially low income earners.
2009-03-18 23:34:22 UTC
Absolutely not!! He is a very wealthy man. We are in a recession. Give the money to needy Australians. Not all Australians are golf fans and the money could be better spent elsewhere.
2009-03-18 16:24:20 UTC
Apparently his appearance will make Victoria 19 million, but I think its crazy during a recession. The truth is if he is a serious player, Tiger would come for free, of his own accord. The Masters is quite prestigious so I don't see why they should pay him. I think the Vic government should keep the cash and tell Tiger to go f**k himself.
Elizabeth ***
2009-03-19 14:14:10 UTC
Yes. Lance Armstrong's visit contributed hugely to cash inflow into the region. Tiger Wood's visit can be expected to do the same.
2009-03-19 00:48:40 UTC
Only if they share in the profits. This is hardly the time to be squandering tax payers money on frivolities. Let the television stations who broadcast it pay, or advertisers. I think Victorians are entitled to be annoyed considering the difficult economic situation and the real need in education, health, law enforcement etc etc......
shirley w
2009-03-18 23:29:03 UTC
No way - that is an irresponsible thing for a state government to do. We have schools and health system is in tatters. There are a number of other things the Victorian state government sould do except indulge an industry that is for the elite.
2009-03-18 17:10:19 UTC
The world is a circus. The clowns have killed the ringmaster and taken over. Take that as a NO to tiger. (Doesn't rate a "T") Hey, that's nearly a pun! Never mind the arguments about stimulating the economy and maintaining growth. The fact is consumerist growth is unsustainable and we've hit the edges. Stay tuned for the explosion.
2009-03-19 03:12:39 UTC
Victoria will reap 19 million from revenues while he's here- I did not hear a word from Victoria when JOHN DALY was paid to come here by Victoria and look what a idiot he turned out to be.I wonder how much that cost you. At least you're geting someone who can play golf and is a crowd drawer.
2009-03-18 18:58:36 UTC
No way but i can't believe that someone thinks that taxpayers money is different to the government paying, were do you think they get there money from, the business they sold off years ago, did we pay Nadal to come here and play and he is a nice person.
2016-02-15 19:29:22 UTC
Victorians have a cargo cult mentality towards events but when serious analysis is done as has been done for the GP event the returns are very marginal or negative.
2009-03-19 00:22:01 UTC
LOL Isa_ the Governments money is the taxpayers money.

I would like to see their reasoning first, how much revenue is the government going to receive back if it is $2.30million then by all means.

But with the worlds economical crash I doubt they will get anywhere near that amount
Tara M
2009-03-18 22:29:42 UTC
My first reaction was NO WAY. But then after thinking about it, I thought it would be a great opportunity for Australian Revenue. After all these people have alot of money and if it attracts alot of interest we might end up with a fair few people from overseas spending up big in Oz. We can only hope anyway!
2009-03-19 20:22:50 UTC
NO why should we have to subside Tiger Woods fares to Australia to make more money for himself he should stop being so greedy its his choice to come out to Australia and make huge amounts of money let him pay his own way he's worth millions as it is , greedy people make me sick and the Australian goverment should make better use out of the tax payers money . help some needy Australians and we all know there are many of them living in poverty back to helping our own not subsidising sportspeople its their choice let them pay I say what does Tiger Woods do for Australia who needs him
Julie D
2009-03-18 18:13:15 UTC
ABSOLUTELY NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would it not be smarter to spend that money on Education and Health ?????????????????

Or doesn't the Victorian Govt care about Education & Health?????? If the govt foots half the bill for this that action will only reinforce the common persons thinking that Govt doesn't care about the average Joe but only care about those with the deep pockets.
2009-03-18 17:36:46 UTC
Tiger comes here to play and if he wins, he brings the money away from Australia, he pays for his onwn things, we should pay nothing. Who organise the event get the benefit should pay if they wish to do so, our government (and it means tax-payers) should do nothing with his coming or going. The event only help organiser(s) and they take the benefit from whatever the tickets/entry fees to watch them play should pay for Tiger if they want to...

Absolutely NO for anyone else...

Put a question back to them: "What does the government get from the event?

2009-03-19 04:15:27 UTC
Can\t see how giving my tax money away benefits me? Doesn't he earn enough or is his golf only about the money? Did the Govt think about asking him to donate his appearance fee to support the Bushfire Victims?

That would be a reasonable use of my tax money...
2009-03-19 15:12:36 UTC
If he has to have $4Mil appearance fee he can stay where he is. They earn too much as it is let alone tax payers footing the bill.

I would rather see that money go into local talent than see an overseas overpaid athlete get all the money in one go.
John Y
2009-03-19 05:49:58 UTC
NO. If Tiger Woods wants to play, he should pay his own way. What makes him so special. Is he that poor that he needs others to pay. Just tell him to pi$$ off.
2009-03-18 16:07:36 UTC
Under normal circumstances, I would say undoubtedly no, yet alone with the tax payers resources needing to go to helping those who lost everything in the fires. Tiger Woods has more money than most Australians would ever see in one lifetime. If he wants to come out here for any reason, he should pay his own way.
2009-03-19 02:16:38 UTC


No more taxpayer funded sporting events.Victorians ARE sick of it. We are getting fatter not fitter,yet the government continues to promote spectator sport even though ITS LOSING MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO GP, NO GOLF STARS AND DEFINITELY NONE FROM OVERSEAS. FOOTBALLERS ARE OVERPAID YET CLUBS STILL WANT MORE MONEY !!!!!


I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm appalled by the fact that Tiger/golfers, get paid so much money for hitting a ball.
2009-03-18 18:06:29 UTC
I think it will bring in tourism revenue,

but after the Victorian Bushfires, I personally would be ashamed to accept any money off Victoria,

Does he not know what has just happened?

Shame on on his management team, and on him if he accepts it.
Marcus B
2009-03-19 03:28:01 UTC
The federal government is spending how much too stimulate the economy?

I think 3 million is a much smaller price to pay to help people spend their money.
2009-03-19 00:38:06 UTC
NO NO NO. how can they claim that tiger will generate $19 million. what a load of crock.this is not fair to many different people in many different ways..maybe most of that $19mill.will be "generated"or earned by "tv rights" and advertising for private benefit as opposed to public benefits. right.he is welcome to play here ,but not at TAXPAYER EXPENSE...GOLFERS ARE OVERPAID AS IT IS ALREADY!! .. how obscene when most of us "unwashed" are currently hurting so bad.let the PGA "invest" in tiger woods and their beloved golf. there are more pressing issues more worthy of using that money.!!!
2009-03-18 18:15:47 UTC
No definitely not! This is just a sport better to give money to hospitals, education etc. Taxpayer's money is for the running of the Country not Sport.
2009-03-18 22:55:04 UTC
No its a Golf thing let the people who have the interest pay the fee
Wendy S
2009-03-18 16:53:50 UTC
Tiger Woods will generate huge money by his visit over the length of the Tournament. The amount seems huge, but the galleries will be huge and the tourist dollar will be enormous too. He is a great Ambassador for the game of golf and Australians would love to see him while he is still young enough.
2009-03-18 15:23:34 UTC
I would like to know why taxpayers have to pay this exorbitant amount for some one to play golf it 's not as if it's our top sporting interest ,who is going to go to see him play and the government will certainly not get their money back so I do not think they should pay it out , Australian players are not paid to play in America they only get prizes like everyone else that plays
bob fird
2009-03-19 03:58:58 UTC
no why not use the 3 million bucks to help the poor buggers in the bushfire? or use it to set up a golf/sports academy so our sports people can go overseas and rip off taxpayers
pieter U3
2009-03-19 00:33:12 UTC
YES!!! I am from Sydney and I loath golf AND Tiger Woods. Wasn't the recent fire disaster bad enough? Why would anyone pay to watch a trillionaire play golf and get richer by the minute? Madness.....
2009-03-18 20:01:22 UTC
Definately not -- Why should the taxpayer pay such a large amount so as some sporting great will appear
2009-03-18 23:03:20 UTC
No. While there may be some questionable economic benefit, this is a niche sport and it should be up to the event promoters to foot the bill. That is what commercial sponsorship is for.
another golfer amateur
2009-03-18 19:24:33 UTC
No. he already has enough money, and there are other golfers just waiting for the chance to play here

.All sports should cut back the amount the players are paid, as it is out of hand
2009-03-18 15:48:08 UTC
What sort of a self promoting, self adoring fool accepts US $3 million dollars to play a game in a tournament that he makes his living off anyway?

If he's good enough he will win the tournament and get paid that way! Why should he be paid anything to come here and play.

If he doesn't want to come to the best country in the world and play a game that he has made so much money out of already then who wants him?

It will do nothing for us. I personally will be sick of the hype and the sight of him by the time he is gone. I have never seen such an arrogant, self loving person in all my life and that was my opinion before this development.

Oh, and PS - as Australians in an economic crisis I think we can all agree times are tough and money is scarce, yet we managed as a wonderful country to raise so much money for the innocent victims of the Vic Bushfires and QLD floods, yet the government can throw money away on one man to try and entice him to come here. If our country and our wonderful people aren't enough for him to want to play golf here in our tournament my question is why bother with him?
2009-03-19 02:33:31 UTC
Hell yeah as long as he gives the Victorian taxpayers half of his winnings.
Adonis P
2009-03-19 00:38:32 UTC
The 'powers that be' will benefit.

They get to pose with him in pictures, bring their high-maintenance wives to to the VIP functions, and the prestige of telling their grand kids "I was there". Surely they deserve these things, because after all, they are more important that the rest of us; and since their families have private health care, private schooling, and don't use public transport, why should they care?
2009-03-18 21:39:22 UTC
OMG!!!!! DOH?!?!........... there is only one answer to this question...... "NO?!?!"

for crying out loud, we are in an economy breakdown, we have enough to contend with in Australia. Without wasting money on silly things as this.... Make him pay for himself or better still the government that said this, they reach deep into their own pockets and pay?!?! :(

The money can be well spent, else where in things we need or should have....
wendy b
2009-03-18 16:06:14 UTC
No way! That is obscene. It is just a game and he is one of the wealthiest sportsmen in the world. If he were a decent person, I don't think he would accept it.

If he won't come here without us paying him to, then Tiger Woods, please don't come. This sets a very bad example for young people. If you can't do something with goodwill in your heart instead of greed, then you are a bad role model.

Please take a leaf from the book of the wonderful performers who performed for free at the concert for bushfire victims. They put Tiger Woods to shame!

Go have a little cruise on your giant yacht instead, Tiger.
2009-03-19 10:33:02 UTC
no benefits at all, and of course it's not fair, I would suggest Tiger Woods pay the fee himself and donate it to the bushfire tragedy.
Brian C
2009-03-19 05:59:10 UTC
No of course its not fair..give that sort of money to junior golf..he earns enough almost to the obscene level and I am not sure if he is worth the dollars he gets from winning..
2009-03-18 20:31:44 UTC

I say NO, that money should go to the Bushfire Victims ... let Woods stay where he belongs, in America, we need that money for our Aussie's that are hurtin, not some over paid golfer
Keith R
2009-03-18 20:29:58 UTC

I say NO, that money should go to the Bushfire Victims ... let Woods stay where he belongs, in America, we need that money for our Aussie's that are hurtin, not some over paid golfer
2009-03-18 20:09:21 UTC
I don't agree with ANYONE paying for a professional sportsperson to play in their country.

I do however, think that the Victorian government will suck the Vic tax payers in, because they seem to be pretty thick.

(Premier and Melbourne mayor, specifically)
2009-03-19 14:04:11 UTC
No it's not fair. Tax payers are already overtaxed as it is. Let him pay his own appearance fee if he wants to play in Australia.
2009-03-18 18:59:41 UTC
NO!!! I am glad it is not my state government that is being this stupid, if the golf fraternity want him to come let them pay by upping the enrty fee but not the rest of the populaation.
2009-03-18 17:09:39 UTC
Wow. Does anyone even unerstand the potential this visit has on the tourism industry in Victoria.

Estimates made by the Victorian government state that tourism income should rise by $19 MILLION DOLLARS. If someone came up to you in the street and said give me $4.5 million and Ill give you back $19 million, would anyone really say no???
2009-03-19 14:33:03 UTC
the vic goverment should put the money into there hospitals instead of paying some yank to play golf.

what a waste of money

its about time we got rid of all these state goverments and just have one goverment that runs the country just think of all the money we would save , instead of all the pollies getting all these freebies.
Grant M
2009-03-21 10:19:02 UTC
no not fair,my stimulus bonus is 900 and i been here 29 years he wants to come for four or five days and his stimulus is 4.3 million,sorry pussycat, you are good but no-one is worth that much .appearance fees my god i still cant believe these sportspeople ask for money ta play tournaments,do u see tennis players coming to the aussie open and demanding a fee. wheres the incentive to win the tournament
2009-03-19 07:58:11 UTC
Absolutely not! Have the victorian government decision makers been smoking something other than tobacco?
julie g
2009-03-19 03:27:27 UTC
The only one it benifits is Tiger Woods.
curious girl
2009-03-18 22:50:20 UTC
Not that I condone this at all but the talk is that having him here will generate around $20 million in tourism dollars while he is here ... I'm no mathematician but spending $2 mil to earn $20 mil makes sense right?
Jan A
2009-03-18 17:01:24 UTC
no no no, paying out big money like that for just an appearance, what a joke, obviously he did not want to come over in the first place, is he that broke that he must ask for that amount of money, I feel sorry for the people of Victoria.

Benefit of it - none, only if you like watching golf but even that is ridiculous.
Jane L
2009-03-19 04:19:03 UTC
NO NO NO NO!!!! He should be coming to display an obvious talent and try to keep his position in world rankings. The prize money they receive is obscene enough without them asking for "appearance" money as well.
Diane B
2009-03-18 17:40:14 UTC
If the government wants to pay for it, it is no different than paying for foot, rugby, soccer, tennis and all of the other sport that the Australian government and taxpayers contribute to -- Take a look at yourself Australia you are sport cray and would pay any amount of money for one of your own, but ***** about paying for one of the US greats.

Who knows, the guy may contribute that fee to the fire victums of Victoria -- keep your mouths shut until you see what happens.
2009-03-18 15:24:42 UTC
i think it will increase revenue for victoria, but i don't agree with taxpayers footing half the bill. how many of those taxpayers are even interested in golf for one thing. if the gov. want tiger woods to come and play, they should foot the bill on their own.
2009-03-18 18:05:36 UTC
No way, why should we pay for that. Especially when Tiger Woods is very wealthy anyway.

He is more than welcome to come over at his own expense and spend lots of money while he is here.
2009-03-18 15:32:53 UTC
Resession what ression. The PGA/ Vic Govtmust be kidding. Australia has some fantastic young guys competing on the PGA and European Tour who would dearly like to come home and play for that sort of money in front of their home crowds. I canot hold with the theory that they wil lever get the monery back and that it will do anything substantial for the inbound tourism market in Australia
2009-03-18 19:50:19 UTC
NO! What we have now is an environment of crisis and everybody's just losing their jobs and all. How can you connect this luxury of paying him AUD4.53 million with the reality of people losing their job or on the verge of losing their job?
2009-03-19 01:59:57 UTC
No Way! Why should the average taxpayer have to pay for this?

What a joke...maybe he could pay - after all, he can afford it.
2009-03-19 02:53:16 UTC
No,, those interested in that sport could contributed,

at this time money here is needed, after the bush fires therei s much need ed to be done here...
2009-03-19 02:14:20 UTC
He should pay to play in Victoria. Goodness knows he earns enough. Who does he think he is? Special?
Rob J
2009-03-19 02:33:07 UTC
I don't think Victorians should pay him one cent.

If he is any good , he will clean up on the prize money.

2009-03-18 18:52:12 UTC
i think tiger woods should pay his own way. he has a very lot of money. why should tax payers pay for him to come to australia
2009-03-18 18:41:08 UTC
why should they have to? Not everyone is into golf & I don't particularly see any benefits for Victorians.
2009-03-18 15:47:15 UTC
No, it's not fair. I can't think of one single thing it will do for me.

Paying a human being an enormous amount of money to swing a stick at a ball is beyond comprehension. Wouldn't that money be put to better use giving hospitals a much needed funding boost?

2009-03-19 01:55:53 UTC
yes since they will reap the cash from the visitors to their state who would only be there for tiger woods
2009-03-19 08:53:15 UTC
Why not !!! . I am happy to see him playing. Anyway, Americans know how to steal ur money with woods or without woods.
marc g
2009-03-19 02:46:29 UTC
no why pay a golf player when the money is best to stay in australia
2009-03-19 02:26:29 UTC
Omg give me a few bucks and il play golf :P

i really need the cash !!
John E
2009-03-19 01:27:48 UTC
Just the RICH reaping the poor off AGAIN ,when he could afford to buy he's own Plane and Hotel just full on Greed.
2009-03-18 19:27:18 UTC
its a disgrace

why should the public pay for such a rich man to travel here.

Nobody pays for me to go on holiday.

pay for yourself and donate to the bushfires while your'e at it Mr Woods
Ash O
2009-03-19 04:42:05 UTC
OMG Your kidding aren't you ! Sorry but I think that is just ridiculous ! I think the money could be better spent elsewhere eg Hospitals, schools etc
2009-03-18 21:26:04 UTC
No ! the ones who will gain by the visit should pay not ordinary workers who will get no benefit
2009-03-18 16:20:52 UTC
No definitely NOT. It is a waste of time and money! The money can be put towards a bigger sporting event like the soccer world cup bids
2009-03-19 13:35:39 UTC
It is so easy to spend other people's, our tax people's money. NO, they are paid well above board already with the prize money.
Sandra T
2009-03-19 13:26:10 UTC
No, no way! These obscenely overpaid so-called sportsmen and women should have any fees they may demand paid by their sport, that is by golf clubs, not Australian tax payers..
2009-03-18 22:32:11 UTC
Yes an event like that will well and truly more than cover that sort of money . It will benefit businesses af all types .

There should be more of these events everywhere!
2009-03-18 17:55:53 UTC
thats just so stupid he's so filthy rich and us, victorian taxpayers have to pay for his visit, why cant he pay himself? or better not why dont the government pay for him?

Go the australian government, thanks for it, especially with the recession
Music Freak
2009-03-19 01:35:08 UTC
Simple answer. NO. It is ridiculous, yes he is a good golfer, but 4.53 million! He is not that special - no offense, how does it even cost that much?
2009-03-18 19:24:23 UTC
Yes, Victoria will benefit from the tourist spin off so they pay to earn that result
2009-03-19 09:02:35 UTC
this is so wrong but if so maybe he should give it all to the bushfire appeal his appearence fee and his winnings and maybe a donation out of his own fat wallet to. after all he is a millionaire and i hav,nt heard of him donating yet
Matt R
2009-03-18 21:54:38 UTC
What a rip off,pure greed. the money would be better spent on our Hospitals,Schools,and Pensioners NO! NO! NO!
2009-03-18 22:05:10 UTC
one word answer "NO". He has more money than you can poke a stick at, why should Victorian taxpapers be responsible - joke!
Lauren M
2009-03-18 20:12:53 UTC
Err no it's not fair!! Why the hell should we be paying this?? it won't bring any benefit to Victoria!
2009-03-18 16:51:48 UTC
with the tough economic times sportsmen should make a few sacrifices themselves. no one is worth that much money its obscene. There are many causes in Victoria that need`funding instead.
pete m
2009-03-19 03:33:11 UTC
not much at all benefit as the mexicans support AFL not golf
2009-03-18 16:21:18 UTC
No why dos'ent he have enough money to get him self over hear to play, What were not doing it hard enough allready than for somone to come over hear to only play games, B real
2009-03-19 02:03:06 UTC
no I think he has more money than we will ever see and he does,nt need this. it will not help australia. if he wa nts to come here so be it. but we shouldnt pay for it
Paul M
2009-03-19 01:35:56 UTC
no , why not hand the hat around to golf clubs , they would be interested in that sorta thing
2009-03-18 16:39:40 UTC
This Victorian government seem to have forgotten this is OUR bloody money not theirs.

No way.
2009-03-18 22:45:55 UTC
No way, if he wants to come here, let him, other wise, NO tax payer should pay for this !
Hayley D
2009-03-18 22:29:38 UTC
Ah, no.

Kudos to anyone who has the guts to say yes here that'd be funny.
2009-03-18 22:07:00 UTC
no that is not fair at all , i dont even like golf ,anyway dont we pay enough as it is already
2009-03-19 00:03:41 UTC
Well, it all depends...

Yes, if it brings in more revenue than expenditure...

No, if it doesn't...

Organizers should do careful math before thinking of investing money that doesn't belong to them...
2009-03-18 16:36:23 UTC

No more taxpayer funded sporting events.Victorians ARE sick of it. We are getting fatter not fitter,yet the government continues to promote spectator sport even though ITS LOSING MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO GP, NO GOLF STARS AND DEFINITELY NONE FROM OVERSEAS. FOOTBALLERS ARE OVERPAID YET CLUBS STILL WANT MORE MONEY !!!!!

Blinky Bill
2009-03-18 19:09:23 UTC
definatly not I beleive he should pay us we are allways digging in the wallet for these turkeys about time auzzie's woke up
2009-03-18 17:09:31 UTC
HELLL NO! I think there are a hell of alot better things that the goverment could spend that money on :-(
2009-03-18 19:24:18 UTC
No give it to the bushfire victims
2009-03-18 17:29:38 UTC
Definetly not.

Who make those decisions?????

are there any better ways to invest that $$ to help the economy???

2009-03-18 23:55:21 UTC
why should we,i dont play the game,and alot of others dont either.he could miss the cut..and what a waste that would be
2009-03-18 17:08:29 UTC
No! Don't you think they have enough financial hardship after the devastation of the recent fires!!!!
fred l
2009-03-18 23:41:23 UTC
Definitely not
Kenneth P
2009-03-18 20:55:07 UTC
No they shouldn't he is of no importance why should they pay for him to have a holiday
Barry G
2009-03-19 01:41:10 UTC
No, emphatically NO! It's plain outrageous.
2009-03-19 13:17:04 UTC
yes,use the alco pop tax
luciano m
2009-03-18 18:38:40 UTC
NO he has enough money to buy an african country do is realise?

2009-03-18 15:32:50 UTC
No. that money could get a bunch of less expensive but decent golfers to play.
2009-03-18 23:50:05 UTC
2009-03-19 03:32:56 UTC
No, absolutely not! This isn't where i'd want my money to go.
2009-03-18 15:55:44 UTC
NO! NO! NO! - If we have all this spare money then the money should be paid to hospitals, CFA, whatever rather than filthy rich self important sports people
2009-03-18 21:16:07 UTC
Yes, so we in NSW can see him in Australia.
2009-03-18 17:34:17 UTC
bill the golf clubs members.

who else would be interested.
2009-03-18 15:52:45 UTC
no i dont think its fair if he wants to come here he can do as i do when i holiday pay his own way
2009-03-18 22:04:57 UTC

weve spent more on worse.

so why not!

i love tiger
2009-03-18 19:27:00 UTC
No. Let him fund his own trip.
2009-03-19 15:04:18 UTC
Thanks Tiger , **** all you other nay sayers.what a dismal world it would be if you dimwits got youre way.
2009-03-18 15:45:14 UTC
No, it's not fair to waste taxpayers money like that! It's so very wasteful!
2009-03-19 04:12:56 UTC
no he sould come on his own be invited no money
2009-03-19 00:25:13 UTC
definetly not he has enough money why doesnt he pay for himself tight **** yank
Linda W
2009-03-18 22:14:42 UTC
No, unfair, they should pay it by themselves
2009-03-18 17:33:32 UTC
absolutely "NOT" He has more money than all our banks combined. would they pay ME if I came to Yankee land ? FAT CHANCE !!
Kaizoku joō
2009-03-18 15:36:27 UTC
no its stupid he's like a already a millionare and its like golf i dnt think that its really a top sport here is it??
2009-03-19 00:37:06 UTC
pauline a
2009-03-18 19:02:35 UTC
No definately not
2009-03-19 00:43:28 UTC
I think they should pay all of it!
2009-03-18 15:31:59 UTC
No way, not fair at all! I don't C any benefit for us paying half his expenses............
Rob O
2009-03-19 14:21:54 UTC
No and No
Carol B
2009-03-18 17:49:04 UTC
no way, no person is worth that much
2009-03-18 15:51:59 UTC
No it's probably cheaper for Victoria to go to the US.
2009-03-18 21:52:56 UTC
no he can pay his owen way why should we pay
colin m
2009-03-18 15:50:53 UTC
Personally I would'nt cross the road to see him. Aussies, if they had any brains would'nt either. He should pay us to come here. What football team does he play for in the U.S. anyway?
2009-03-19 04:52:52 UTC
simply NO
2009-03-18 15:25:46 UTC
Just a simple answer is NO
King Charlie
2009-03-18 20:42:58 UTC

He is good enough.
2009-03-18 17:53:58 UTC
its a good idea
brett m
2009-03-19 07:50:04 UTC
2009-03-19 03:55:05 UTC
No, definetley not.
2009-03-19 00:54:29 UTC
no,no,no,no,no and finally NO
Ross B
2009-03-19 00:49:39 UTC
no way
2009-03-18 21:05:49 UTC
no way
Divine Buddha
2009-03-18 17:08:37 UTC
2009-03-19 04:56:33 UTC
of course not!!
2009-03-18 23:45:18 UTC
Why should we?
rodney t
2009-03-18 22:09:04 UTC
no. it will give nothing
2009-03-18 20:22:25 UTC
not at all, not fair!
Betty S
2009-03-19 01:58:33 UTC
no no no
2009-03-18 17:45:32 UTC
beverley b
2009-03-18 20:14:38 UTC
2009-03-19 04:30:44 UTC
f#-k no!!!
2009-03-19 03:14:40 UTC
2009-03-18 23:00:28 UTC
2009-03-18 16:53:53 UTC
Miss B
2009-03-19 15:00:44 UTC
NO !!
2009-03-19 03:10:44 UTC
**** NO!
2009-03-18 16:39:04 UTC
NO !
Robert J
2009-03-18 16:10:49 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.