In golf I consistently hit just behind the ball causing a significant loss of power. What do i need to change?
2006-04-05 15:17:58 UTC
In golf I consistently hit just behind the ball causing a significant loss of power. What do i need to change?
Seven answers:
2006-04-06 05:40:10 UTC
Try moving the ball back in your stance just a fraction. It sounds like your swing path is consistent, and this might cure your problem rather easily.
2006-04-05 18:37:56 UTC
You may be over powering with your right side. Try swinging a few times with just your left arm. Should be nice and smooth. Use just your right and it digs in. You get those bone jarring type divots. You want things to be even. I suggest a lesson. Next month is free lesson month. to sign up. Also you can go to the improve your game section at for some great tips and drills to help.
2006-04-05 15:19:02 UTC
Follow through. Imagine that the ball is 6 inches past where it actually is. Just takes practice.
2006-04-05 19:41:27 UTC
I totally agree with Doug; Hitting behind ball generally comes from trying to power through with right side in control. instead of pulling through with left side. practice with only left hand on club and try to feel the feeling of left side leading and pulling club through.
2006-04-05 15:24:22 UTC
is this on your drive?

if so, your stance might be messed up. Stand with your front foot directly at the ball. This will help you get distance and accuracy out of your drives.
2006-04-05 18:33:09 UTC
JUST TURN through the ball your probabaly dipping at it when you begin your backswing. just rotate through the ball money.
2006-04-05 17:40:25 UTC
step closer

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