What is the perfect Golf Swing?
2005-12-30 11:23:52 UTC
What is the perfect Golf Swing?
Five answers:
2005-12-31 04:00:31 UTC
The perfect swing is not "perfect" in the sense that it can be seen in a text book but one that can be repeated and the results repeated whenever desired.
2006-01-04 04:08:36 UTC
The perfect golf swing acheives the maximum amount efficiency and consistency with the least effort. Check out Mickey Wright's Golf the Wright Way (Hogan said she had the finest swing he had ever seen)and you will see perhaps the most effcient golf swing caught on film.
2005-12-30 19:56:23 UTC
There probably is no such thing. The man many consider to be the best striker of the ball ever, Ben Hogan, had this to say about golf:

"Golf is not a game of good shots, it's a game of bad shots."

What this means is....if your misses are'll be a decent golfer. So groove a swing where you don't miss it off the planet, and you'll be able to have a match with anybody.
2005-12-31 22:26:46 UTC
Only if you get consistent results. Results will determine if it's perfect.
2005-12-31 03:48:10 UTC

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