what does four mean in golf?
2006-02-18 14:57:56 UTC
what does four mean in golf?
Five answers:
2006-02-20 05:32:38 UTC
DUCK....and quick!!!!! Never look up when you hear four, always duck!
2006-02-18 17:31:02 UTC
Fore! is a warning shout in golf when a wildly struck ball threatens person(s) ahead - misunderstood by many to be 'four', the word is certainly 'fore', which logically stems from the Middle English meaning of fore as 'ahead' or 'front', as in forearm, forerunner, foreman, foremost, etc., or more particularly 'too far forward' in the case of an overhit ball. Sources suggest the golf term was in use by the late 1870's. The use of the 'fore' prefix in the context of a warning or pre-emptive action was established long ago in similar senses: forewarn, foretell, foreshadow, forestall, and foresee, etc., (foresee actually dates back to the 1200's).
2006-02-22 15:38:14 UTC
Incoming projectile! Hit the dirt!
2006-02-19 05:19:23 UTC
it means that some idiot behind you hit the ball wrong and he is kind enough to tell you that is it coming after your ***. Or it could also just mean get down...
2006-02-18 14:59:58 UTC
Its a bad stroke that may go out of bounds and its a signal to have everyone watch out . .its kinda like sayin . . HEADS UP!

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